In this video we're gonna go through two methods of making PhpStorm run PHP code on Docker containers. In addition we're making sure that Xdebug is working s. This question is regarding getting Xdebug to work with a CLI PHP script hosted inside a web-server Docker instance. I have docker containers: web-server, varnish-cache, nginx-pro. A brief guide on configuring xdebug with Docker. A brief guide on configuring xdebug with Docker. Add a new CLI interpreter by clicking. Click the + on the top left and add a new Docker configuration. Select Docker Compose and the php service, then use the default options for everything else. PHP 7.1 cli with xdebug and sonar scanner This image allows you to run and debug your PHP code and the ability to run sonar scanner on your project thanks to Docker.
On this post we are setting up a Docker Container for Centos 7 and PHP 7.3 with an installation of Xdebug.
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If you compare this Dockerfile with our previous one for PHP 7.3 you will notice that we have included the php-devel package. This is required since we will be using pecl to install Xdebug, which will build, install and load it.
Additionally we will need to install the make package.
You can also download this Dockerfile here
Adobe reader site for mac download. The Dockerfile also updates the /etc/php.ini file, by adding the following xdebug section:
- Note that we have specified host.docker.internal as the IP address of our host machine, instead of an actual IP address. That is a docker variable that will be translated into the IP address of the machine running the docker container.
Create the Docker Image and Container
Now we create the Docker Image.
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Then we create the Docker Container.
Notice that we need to indicate the path of our local folder that will be served as the root of the Apache Web Server, which in this example is /path_to/my_website. Replace it with the location of your site's root folder.
After the Docker Container is created, you can go to the url http://localhost:4000 to open the local website.
To check Xdebug has been correctly installed and configured, open a terminal window into the Docker Container with the following command:
Then, on the terminal window inside the container, we will use the php -i instruction to get information about our PHP installation. We will also use the grep utility to display only the information relevant to Xdebug:
You will see an output similar to this one (excerpts):
Xdebug Php Docker
Php Xdebug Remote
Check the Dockerfile on Github here.
Docker Php Fpm Xdebug
Download the Image from Docker Hub here.